Friday, January 23, 2009

Goodies from across the Pacific pond...

I received a batch of goodies yesterday. Unfortunately, since I was working from home, I had to wait until evening to go through them! Needless to say, it was a very long day of work...

I love these craft magazines from Japan, cooking and home design magazines from Korea. I discovered the Cotton Time and Cotton Friend from sewing and crafting blogs I was checking out, in my renewed sewing fever. My brother and his wife, who live in Korea, are indulging me with these magazines, which are not easy to find in the States. Can't wait till I try to make some of the projects. Of course, I don't read Japanese... So, this would take some time to decipher the steps, but it would be lots of fun!

Um, of course, the cooking trials has to wait. I am not much of a cook. ^.^
However, the photos look very delicious and mouth watering though...

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