Thursday, April 22, 2010

While I was out, spring went by...

Hello everyone! It seems like spring has come and gone while I was engulfed by life's mundane things and doings. While we hung out with Neptune on the Virginia's shore... The cherry tree on our yard shed its blossoms
and as azaleas bloomed dad came by and filled the pots on the porch...


jacqueline said...

Dearest Eunhwa, so happy to see you posting here again! Miss you while you were away. These are gorgeous photos! Love all the flowers and that beautiful photo of you(?). Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

artycho said...

Nice to read you tonight! I was actually thinking of passing by your blog today! Love the zipper pouches ! and nice to see your face too!

Eunhwa said...

Hello ladies! Thank you for stopping by. Those are my daughters! :)

Tracy said...

Hi, Eunhwa! Great to see you back here... and see all you've been up to. Your daughters are lovely! Enjoy the spring day... :o)