Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thinking of spring

Due to the fair [considering it's still February] weather, the daffodils are trying for air. Our daffodils are among the latebloomers in the neighborhood. I didn't notice them until I searched for their tips, less than 1/4 of an inch above the ground. I searched for them only after I overheard a lady before me at the supermarket line talking to the cashier about how much her daffodils came up.

I want spring to be here soon... really soon.

In that vein, I made two pincushions for my shop. One with an iris to bringforth the spring and another of a basket, inspired by a similar one in a Japanese zakka magazine. Perhaps the thought of a basketful of irises prompted it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your pincushions are so lovely and cute! I love that zakka inspired basket! Lovely blog and shop! I hope you had a lovely LOVE weekend!