One Saturday in February, Mad [an art buff] and I ventured out to the National Gallery of Art to see the exhibit,
Pompeii and the Roman Villa. We saw scuptures, paintings, mosaics and luxury pieces for Pompeiian homes. We were amazed by the intricate details and elegant use of colors on the walls. Even though the exhibit opened last October, it was packed with people and we were sweating, although it was freezing outside! We still mangaged to read the captions and historical backgrounds and saw a 10 minute narrated film from the beginning to the end.
Of course, we then hit the gift shop. We thought about Gem. She loves gift stores but the exhibit wasn't tempting enough for her. She opted to hang out with her grandma. We purchased: a dolphin ring for Gem, a serpent ring for Mad, a bracelet for grandma, a makeup bag and a miniature Roman soldier in pewter for their cousins.
After seeing the exhibit, we had nice lunch at the ground floor cafeteria while watching the water fall. Mad offered to use her Starbucks gift card [one of her birthday gifts from her friends] for dessert. We braved the cold and walked over to Chinatown, looking for a Starbucks [not so difficult since there's one on every corner]. We found one across the Metro station there and Mad got her chocolate concoction with rice crispies bar while I opted for hot coffee with almond biscotti. While sitting there, we were fascinated by passing mob of green lanyard wearing young people swarming the streets. It turned out that there was Power Shift 09 rally that day. Young people from across the country and around the world gathered to bring attention to climate change and dirty energy. Mad and I had eyeful of different fashion; everyone seemed to have a cool hat on!
Afterwards, we went over to
Urban Outfitters so Mad could check out some cool looking clothes. She ended up getting two dresses with her birthday money. They were really trendy and super chic looking dresses. I also knew that she wanted a lot more but I was trying my best to let her handle and learn the value of money. It wasn't easy for... ME! I felt like grabbing those skirts she was putting back to the racks and just get them for her! I took a deep breath and treaded away to different displays. She handled it much better than I did. After putting some items back, Mad purchased two dresses and a couple of key rings. She gave one [donut shaped one]to her sister. [Good job, Mad!].