After spending two mornings looking for bargains, I was ready to settle down to some hot tea. Frankly, even as I venture out like others thinking that there will be real good bargains, I don’t usually find much. I fared better this year than others… I bought a suit, if you know me, you’d say, another black or gray? Black. I bought a sturdy looking bag from Talbots that looked functional; it could probably hold a couple of hardbacks, lunch and more. Yes, black again. In the practical things for home category, I bought two ice tongs in the shape of autumn leaves from
Pottery Barn. Cool. Much better than the run of the mill ice tongs I have. I know, it doesn't take much to make me happy. From Crate and Barrel, I bought some ornaments Gem wanted. As the department stores clear away Christmas decorations discreetly, I am ready to wrap this year and get ready for the new one. Working on my New Year’s resolutions list…As my photography skills are still wanting, Mad, taking advantage of a sunny day, took some pictures of pincushions I have made. Here are some of my bottle cap pincushions.

Clothesline, music note, trees, cupcake and raindrops...